
Netflix Tests Adjusting Video Quality By Tracking Your Physical Activity - hodgesdarm1977

Netflix featured

Examination new features to fix your service amended is a perennial tax and Netflix knows it well. The streaming large was earlier testing a airborne-exclusive subscription plan and it went live in Bharat last workweek. Now that users will hold the opportunity and the means to easily watch content on the go by, Netflix is testing a quirky new feature film.

Netflix is tracking the physical activity of some users via its Mechanical man app. Yes, a certificate researcher late spotted that the video streaming app has permission to accession your corporal activity (accessible on Android Q, coming to all users soon). I mean, anyone is going to disorientation if they find Netflix knows when they're walking or running, right? The security measures investigator posted his findings on Chirrup, as you give notice see below:

This is an odd license to have for a streaming service, no doubt, so The Next Net investigated into this matter. And we now know the reason out why. Netflix is testing this feature that improves video playback quality supported the physical activity of subscribers.

Netflix further adds that it bu tested the feature with a select few users and has no plans of billowing it out widely anytime soon. "We are continually testing shipway to give our members a better experience. This [physical activeness tracking] was part of a test to see how we can ameliorate video playback quality when a member is active."

The streaming giant was silently running this test using the newly introduced natural activity permit in Mechanical man Q – which is expected to officially roll out in a duet of months. It collects the data generated from apparent movement detectors and other sensors in our Android phones, which should dedicate Netflix a right idea of your prevalent physical natural action.

Netflix International Relations and Security Network't 100 percentage clear on whether information technology's decreasing the streaming quality when a member is along the go around Beaver State accretive it. However, it sounds alike an interesting feature, which we would like to learn more about. Wouldn't you? Tell us in the comments downstairs.


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